Miscellaneous Career match Statistics for Monchik, Sudsy
Data on screen printed 07/27/2024. Latest tourney in DB is as of 05/26/2024.

Statistic Counts
Overall W/L on tour384 - 97
Overall W/L Percentage0.798
2-game record 0 - 0
3-game record 190 - 22
4-game record 104 - 36
5-game record 49 - 20 (see 5-game special link)
Wins - Losses with no score available35 - 4
Matches won and lost by forfeit6 - 15
Record When winning first game273 - 24
Record When losing first game70 - 54
Record splitting first 2 games61 - 41
Won in 4: dropped third game 37 out of 104 total
Lost in 4 but picked up 3rd game 6 out of 36 total
5 game wins being down 2 games to 0 8 (out of 49 total)
5 game losses being two games up 5 (out of 20 total)
5 game record after being up 2-1 19 - 7
5 game record after being down 2-1 15 - 4
5 game wins winning first two, dropping next two 7 (out of 49 total)
5 game losses losing first two, winning next two 4 (out of 20 total)
Total Games Played1541
Average Games per Match3.486
Average Games per Match in Wins3.589
Average Games per Match in Losses3.974
Average Points Scored per Game10.36
Average Points Conceded per Game6.51

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