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IRT Database Last Updated 2/2/25: Database updated to 2025 Lewis Drug Pro Am

Page Instructions: Click on one of the pre-built queries to run the selection. If any box is selected, any 'Submit Form' button will work.

IRT Singles Match Results Data: Singles only match by match Results database

Select Event:

All matches per event: This query will list every match that occurred at the tourney. All known qualifiers are included.
Quarters, Semis and Final per Event: top 8 finishers for an event
Seed Report per Event: Lists the Seeding for an event. Caveat; seeding only guaranteed to be populated from 2010 onwards.
Upsets by Seed Report per Event: Lists all upsets by seeding for the event. Caveat; seeding only guaranteed to be populated from 2010 onwards.
Draw Size per Event: Gives the size of the draw per Event.
Player Profiles for all Entrants: Player Profile data for all tourney entrants, including age at the time of the event
Player Country Breakdown for all Entrants: Player Country Report for all entrants of this event

Select Season:

Finals by Season: This query will list the finals of every tourney for the selected season
Quarters, Semis and Final per Season: top 8 finishers in each event for the season
Distinct Winners per Season: Number of distinct Tourney winners in a season
Season-Ending Rankings: Season Ending Rankings per season
Season Summaries for all Players: This will list the "Season Summary" totals for all players who appeared in a season.
Statistical Abstract Stats for the Season: Evan Prichard's Statistical Abstracts (beta)
Highest Seeds to...: Highest Seeds to win, make a final, etc. Data for the chosen season only (see below for same report for the whole database). Fyi: Seeding data only guaranteed to be available starting with the 2010-11 season; data is spotty prior to that.
Draw Size per Event for Season: Gives the size of the draw in all events for the Season.
Season Seed Report: Lists all the leading players and their seed per event for a season. Fyi: Seeding data only available starting with the 2010-11 season
Player Profiles for All Players per Season: Player Profile data for all tourney entrants, including age at the time of the event, for any player who appeared in a season
Player Country Breakdown for players per Season: Player Country Report for all players this season

Select from All Players: or Select Historical tour player: or Select Current Season tour player:
Choose (none) for the non-selected player pulldowns. Historical tour player defined as having more than 50 wins ever on tour. If more than one player is selected, the left-most player is passed to the report.

Season and Career Player Summary: One line summary of a player's career by season (i.e., Cliff Swain: 2 Wins, 3 Finals, 2 Semis, 3 Quarters).
Player Profile: Player Profile Information: picture, Demographics, Social Media links, etc
Player Overall W-L record: This will list the player's Won-Lost record, overall and by season
Player Overall W-L record Lefty/Righty split: This will list the player's Won-Lost record, overall and by season, with Lefty/Righty splits (suggested by Brian Pineda)
Season Ending Rankings Per Player: by season
Player Tourney Results Summary with Seeding: this shows every tourney a player has entered, their seed, and their result
Complete player match history chronologically: This query will list every match that the player has in the DB, earliest to latest/Ascending
Complete player match history: This query will list every match that the player has in the DB, latest to earliest/Descending
Complete player match history, All tours: This query will list every match that the player has across ALL tours, earliest to latest/Ascending
Complete player match history, US Open Only: This query will list every match that the player has played at all US Opens
Player Wins: This will list the all the players Wins chronologically
Player Losses: This will list all the players Losses chronologically
Player Games and W-L record: This will list the player's Won-Lost record, including Games won/lost, overall and by season
Player Head-to-Head Record Alphabetically: This will list a matrix of the player's head to head record w/ every other player in the DB, sorted by player name
Player Head-to-Head Record Ordered by most Matchups: This will list a matrix of the player's head to head record w/ every other player in the DB, sorted by the number of times they've met from most to least
Player Head-to-Head Records in last 3 years : To gauge more recent head-to-head records, this limits the search to the last three years for active players
Non-Trivial Player Head-to-Head Record: This is head-to-head among the more regular tour members (eliminates all matchups where there have been less than 2 meetings)
Non-Trivial Player Head-to-Head Records With Results: Shows non-trivial head-to-head records for players on tour, with the results.
Career Best Win : Shows a player's best win on tour, based on their seeding at the time
Career Best Showing : Shows a player's best showing on tour
Career Best Ranking : Shows a player's best season-ending Ranking on tour
Career Best Seeding : Shows a player's best seeding on tour (2009 and onward)
Player Record by City: Do players do better in particular cities?
Player record in 5-game matches: 5-game match records by player
Donut Counts: Given and received
'Twinkie' Counts: (11-1 or 1-11 games), Given and received (inspired by the IRT stats page)
OT Games: What is a player's record in "OT" Games (games that go to super tiebreaker, or 12-10 or longer)
Tournament Winning Percentage: Percentage of Tournaments won when entered.
Finals Percentage: Percentage of Tournaments reaching the Final
All Titles: Lists all Titles won by the player.
Player W-L record in Finals: This will list the player's Won-Lost record in finals only, overall and by season
Player W-L record in Semis
Player W-L record in Quarters
Player W-L record in 16s
Player W-L record in Early rounds: not as meaningful for 90s players b/c records are spotty for round of 32
Player W-L in US Open: Player W/L Record just in the US Open
Player "Firsts": Prints a player's first Tour Event Appearance, First Tour Win, and the Number of Tourneys it took to win their first
Player "Lasts": Prints a player's last Tour Event Appearance, Last Tour Win
Misc Player Stats: How does a player fare when losing the first game? When winning the first game? etc

Miscellaneous Tour Statistics

Most Tourney Wins: This query will list the number of tourney wins in the database by player.
Most Tourney Finals: This query will list the number of tourney finals in the database by player.
Best Seasons: This query will print a list of the best player performances in a single season (by winning pct).
Best Career Won/Loss Percentages: This query will list all the Regular tour players (20+ wins) by their career W/L percentages.
Worst Career Won/Loss Percentages: This query will list the worst Career W/L pcts for semi-regular players (20+ appearances) by their career W/L percentages.
Best Career Won/Loss Percentages, main draws only: This query will list the best career W/L percentages excluding qualifying rounds
Career Season Summaries: This will list the "Season Summary" career totals for all players in the database (15 second query).
Most Seasons on Tour: This query will list the players with the most seasons with at least one appearance on the IRT tour.
Most Appearances on Tour: This query will list every player in the database and the number of times they played a tournament on the IRT tour.
Longest Tourney Appearance Streaks: Longest consecutive tournament Appearance Streaks in tour history. (longer running query, be patient)
Most Wins on Tour: This query will list every player in the database and the number of Wins they have on the IRT tour.
Most Losses on Tour: This query will list every player in the database and the number of Losses they have on the IRT tour.
Most Matches on Tour: This query will list every player in the database and the number of Total Matches they have on the IRT tour.
All Finals: This query will list the results of every Final in the database.
All Quarters/Semis/Finals: This query will list all the Q/S/F of every tourney in the database
Quarters, Semis and Final Country Of Origin: country of Origin for the Q/S/F players for every tourney (longer running query; be patient)
Player Country Breakdown for all Players: Player Country Report for all players of all time
Player Country Breakdown for all Players by Season: Counts: Player Country Report for all players of all time, Season by Season progression showing counts (longer running query; be patient)
Player Country Breakdown for all Players by Season: Percentages: Player Country Report for all players of all time, Season by Season progression showing percentages (longer running query; be patient)
All Major Finals: All Major Finals through the years.
Longest Games: Matches with the longest single games
Worst Defeats: Most one-sided matches in the database (note: most of these are qualifying rounds)
Worst Defeats In Quarters/Semis/Finals: Most one-sided matches in Quarters/Semis/Finals
Worst Defeats In Finals: Most one-sided matches in Finals
Most Dominant Tourney Wins: Ranking of the most dominant tourney wins in history; fewest games dropped, fewest points allowed, etc
Longest Matches (21 point Game Era 1973-1981): Most points scored in a match, 1974-1981 (games best 2 of 3 to 21)
Longest Matches (11 point game Era 1981-2017): Most points scored in a match, 1981-2017 (games 3 out of 5 to 11)
Longest Matches (15 point game Era 2018-present): Most points scored in a match, 2018-present (2 games to 15, tiebreaker to 11)
Most Points in a Win (21 point Game Era 1973-1981): Most points scored in a match, 1974-1981 (games best 2 of 3 to 21) by someone who won the match.
Most Points in a Win (11 point game Era 1981-2017): Most points scored in a match, 1981-2017 (games 3 out of 5 to 11) by someone who won the match.
Most Points in a Win (15 point game Era 2018-present): Most points scored in a match, 1981-2017 (2 games to 15, tiebreaker to 11) by someone who won the match.
Most Points in a Loss (21 point Game Era 1973-1981): Most points scored in a match, 1974-1981 (games best 2 of 3 to 21) by someone who lost the match.
Most Points in a Loss (11 point game Era 1981-2017): Most points scored in a match, 1981-2017 (games 3 out of 5 to 11) by someone who lost the match.
Most Points in a Loss (15 point game Era 2018-present): Most points scored in a match, 1981-2017 (2 games to 15, tiebreaker to 11) by someone who lost the match.
Longest 5th game: Matches with longest 5th game/Super Tiebreaker.
All Negative Score Games: A list of all matches with negative scores on tour.
All Forfeit Score Games: A list of all matches with forfeit scores on tour.
All Forfeit Score Games in Q/S/F: A list of all matches with forfeit scores on tour that occurred in the Quarters/Semis/Finals (this strips away most of the FFTs show in the above query because many happen in early rounds.
Season by Season Tourney Wins/Distinct Winners per Season: Marty Hogan suggested List of Tourney Winners by season; Provides an interesting look at year-end winner versus who won the most tourneys.
Number of Events per Season: Quick count of events per season for the entirety of the tour.
Draw Size per Event, all Time: Gives the size of the draw per Event for every event on tour
Most Consecutive Distinct Winners: Report showing the most consecutive Distinct tourney winners in Tour history.
Longest Game Winning Streaks: Longest Individual Game Winning Streaks. Note that this report will skip forfeits only if they resulted in no on-court play.
Longest Match Winning Streaks: Longest individual Match Winning Streaks. Note: ffts break winning streaks in this report; we are working on a non-fft win streak version
Longest Match Winning Streaks, no Ffts: Longest Match Winning Streaks not counting Ffts.
Longest Tourney Winning Streaks: Longest tourney Winning Streaks. Note: missed tournaments break winning streaks in this report; we are working on a non-missed tourney win streak version
Longest Tourney Winning Streaks, No FFts/Missed tourneys: Longest tourney Winning Streaks, accounting for missed tourneys.
Most Matchups: What two players have played the most on tour?
Tour Depth Report: A report that shows the 'depth' of the tour by season. Longer query; 10-15 seconds to run
All Season Top 10 Lists: This will show the top 10 for every season on tour. Still needs some work on the older tournaments
Matrix of all Top 10 Finishes: This prints a matrix of every player who has finished a season ranked in the top 10 with counts by finish.
Player Profiles - All: List of All Player Profiles, including hometown, current residence, height/weight, sponsors, birthday.
Player Profiles - Regular: List of Regular Player Profiles, including hometown, current residence, height/weight, sponsors, birthday.
Ages of Tourney Winners: A list of every tourney winner on tour, their age at first tour win, first appearance, last tour win, etc.
Oldest Players to...: Oldest player to win a tourney, make a final, etc.
Youngest Players to...: Youngest player to win a tourney, make a final, etc.
Highest Combined Age in a Final: This shows the highest combined age between two finalists in tour history (Cary Slade suggestion)
Lowest Combined Age in a Final: This shows the lowest combined age between two finalists in tour history (Cary Slade suggestion)
Ages of All Tour Champs: A report that shows the age of each season tour winner at season end.
Highest Seeds to...: Highest Seeds to win, make a final, etc. Reports across all available data, though the seeding is really only guaranteed to be available starting in the 2010-11 season for all tours
Highest Combined Seeds in Finals: Highest Combined Seeds to comprise a Final (rpts suggested by Evan Pritchard).
Highest Combined Seeds in Semis: Highest Combined Seeds to comprise a Semis field.
Highest Combined Seeds in Qtrs/Semis/Final: Highest Combined Seeds to comprise the Qtrs/Semis/Finals field.
Lowest Combined Seeds in Finals: Lowest Combined Seeds to comprise a Final
Lowest Combined Seeds in Semis: Lowest Combined Seeds to comprise a Semis field.
Lowest Combined Seeds in Qtrs/Semis/Final: Lowest Combined Seeds to comprise the Qtrs/Semis/Finals field.
US Open Participation Summary: Historical summary of all Participants in the US Open (1996-present).
US Open Draw Sizes: Draw Sizes for the US Open (1996-present).
US Open Tourney Qtrs/Semis/Finals historically: Historical summary of Q/S/F Participants in the US Open (1996-present).
US Open Results Summary: Summary of US Open-only finishes, all players.
Ages of all US Open Winners: All US Open Winners with Age of winner
US Open Debuts: All players who debuted on tour at the US Open (report suggestion by Dean Baer)
Misc Match Stats: For the whole tour and all of time, How does a player fare when losing the first game? When winning the first game? etc
Year End Ranking Matrix: Year End Ranking Matrix all-time of any player who has appeared in the top 20.
Head to Head Matrix: Head to Head Matrix all-time of top 20 players on tour (using previous season's rankings)

Tale of the Tape: Direct link to Tale of the Tape report, where you can select any 2 players for a custom Tale of the Tape!

IRT Men's Pro Tour History Pages

  • Tour History: a bullet-point history of the Pro Tour since inception, with major events, rule changes, etc (this is a highlight list; obviously the events of the early 80s could really fill a book).
  • Major Rule Change History: History of major rule changes on tour (scoring and how to determine the year end champ). Last Updated Sept 2019 with new season refereeing clarifications from tour ref Scott McClellan.
  • Scoring System Change History: History of scoring systems in use on the Men's tour. Last Updated Dec 2017 with change to go to amateur/international scoring.
  • Tour Name History: A history of the name of the Pro Tour. Created/last updated Mar 2004.
  • Commissioner History: A history of the Pro Tour Commissioners. Last Updated Mid 2017 with Kulbeck's appointment as new commissioner.
  • Canadian Professional Racquetball Organization History: During the early 80s, the Catalina tour creation forced non-invitees off the pro tour, including Canadians, who formed their own tour. Last updated July 2006 with some input from Mike Ceresia on tour winners/participants.
    IRT Men's Tour Player History Pages

  • Year End Title Winners 1968-present.
  • Year End Summaries Year-long season narratives providing an editorial "summary" of each season. Summaries are written through out the year and are perpetually updated to the website.
  • Season End Standings by year: This data has been loaded into the database and is no longer maintained in a static file here; use season-specific queries to see all the rankings per year, get rankings per player or use the "all top 10" to get the top 10 for every season.
  • #1 Ranking holders who never won a title: a list of players who have, at some point in their career, been #1 but who do not have a year end title. Last updated Nov 2010, with Ben Croft getting a #1 seed when Kane skipped a tourney and Dec 2017 with some new research uncovering the fact that Inoue was ranked #1 for a time during the early 1990s.
  • Top Players never to have finished #1: a subjective list of top players of the eras of racquetball who never finished on top. These are players who routinely were in the Top 8 rankings but who never made their way to the top. Last updated Dec 2017 to put in some new player detail from the 1990s and update current players.
  • Number of overall Titles: A list of players and the number of titles they earned. Last updated May 2017 with Kane's 12th title.
  • Major Championship Titles: A list of the Major Title winners, by tournament. "Major" titles are/were the "Grand Slams" of the day, equivalent of the US Open now, and includes the US Open, Tournament of Champions, Pro Nationals/Grand Nationals, Ektelon Nationals, Catalina Nationals, DP/Leach Nationals and the IRA Nationals. Last updated Oct 2017 with Kane's unprecidented 13th US Open title. Note; you can also run the above report calld 'All Major Finals' to get a list of all Major winners.
  • Player of the Year: Player of the Year honors (data very spotty). Also includes Rookie of the Year, Comeback Player of the Year winners (if known). Last updated 11/19/07 with awards given post US Open banquet; I've never had good data here.
  • Number of Distinct Winners by year: replaced this static HTML page with the 'Distinct Winners Per Season' report per season, or the 'Season by Season Wins/Distinct Winners' report for the entirety of the tour.
  • Greatest Upsets in tour History: inspired by a forum conversation in August, 2004. A list of great upsets and great runs in Pro Racquetball history. Last updated 1/17/09 to add in Jose Rojas' California Open play, Dec 2017 to describe Pratt's improbable win.
  • The Best Players you've never heard of: inspired by a forum conversation in September 2008, this lists players who demonstrated real talent on tour but who didn't play full time, quit early or who had other reasons not to play. Last updated 1/17/09 with more musings post NYC 09 event, Dec 2017 to add in some names.
  • Bo Keeley's Greatest of All Time Article: Published in Feb 2013, Keeley discusses the four eras of Racquetball, the best player from each era, and talks about determining the G.O.A.T.
  • Where are they Now?: Here's a quick update on where some of the IRT's former touring pros are now.
    Data Sources

    All data here was compiled by Todd Boss, by entering data published in Magazines, on or at National sites. If there are errors within, they may be because of publishing errors or incomplete online data, or due to data entry errors on my part. If you have additions, corrections or comments, please direct them to me, at .